Saturday, July 6, 2013

Poor Lea (a random snippet)

   “Why are you trying to enthrall me?” she asked quietly.

His eyes widened in surprise. “I’m not,” he assured her, “but I find it very satisfying that you’re enthralled by me.” He was sliding under her bedspread, turning down her side. “Now, come to bed.”

Once again, her traitorous body inserted itself right beside him. They were all cozy and warm. Son of a bitch.

“No cuddling,” she warned him, hoping he didn’t hear the quiver in her voice.

Dain touched the lamp to turn it off, then chuckled quietly in the dark. “For now,” he said gruffly.

Though Dain fell asleep right away, it was a long time before Lea could get comfortable. Obviously, he had some kind of agenda, but she didn’t have a clue as to what it might be. Unless it was to drive her crazy, in which case he was doing a stupendous job so far.

Sleep finally rescued Lea from the awkwardness of being so close to Dain. Unfortunately, he was right there waiting for her in her dreams.
Faetal Illusion
Late 2013

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